feverfew 001


Tanacetum parthenium is a plant honoured since the ancient Greeks. I felt rather privileged this morning to have feverfew in flower through my garden, a plant of many happy faces.


acne; addiction recovery; anaphylaxis inhibit; anti-inflammatory; antimicrobial; anti-pyretic; anti-rheumatic; antispasmodic; anxiety; appetite stimulant; aromatic; arthritis pain; asthma; bites; brain blood pressure lower-vessel stimulant; breathing ease; bruise; bunion-bursitis; calcium; chromium; cobalt; colds; colitis; cough; dermatitis; digestive calm-function-upset; earache; eczema; feet bathe-sore-swollen; fever; flatulence; headache cluster-recurring-tension; hormone balance; hypotensive; hysteria; incontinence; infertility; influenza; iron; kidney function; laxative; lupus; magnesium; menopause; menstrual cramp-pain-pre-stimulant; migraine inhibit; motion sickness; mouth wash; muscle pain; nail strength; neuralgia; osteoarthritis; pain; phosphorus; platelet aggregation inhibit; potassium; psoriasis; repel insects-mosquito; sedative mild; selenium; silicon; sinus congestion; skin disorder; sodium; spondylitis ankylosing; stimulant; stings; stomach ache-disorder-irritation; stress; teeth extraction after; tension; tinnitus; tonic bitter; uterine cleanse-strength after birth; vascular dilator; vermifuge; vertigo; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; C; wheezing; zinc

Cautions of Use

eating fresh leaf can cause mouth ulcer avoid if taking warfarin-other blood thinning-pressure drugs/with bleeding disorder-purpure/when pregnant-lactating-under 2 effects can cause abdominal pain-diarrhea-flatulence-indigestion-nausea-nervousness ● long term use can cause muscle stiffness-anxiety ● if taken regularly for a week-cease use gradually ● 250mg can be taken daily without side effects ● avoid with ginkgo-ginseng

Applied Use

flower-leaf is used a leaf eaten daily inhibits migraine take capsule-tablet if you have any allergic reaction to fresh leaf has none of aspirin side effects if taken whilst using synthetic drugs relief can take longer to be effective take several months then break-till head pain returns then take again add valerian to tea for anxiety migraine/with skullcap for persistent headache steep 3 medium sized leaf in 1 cup water-drink at onset of headache-repeat two hourly tea boil 1 tsp. dried leaf in 1 cup water 5-10 minutes ● mouth wash for after tooth extraction ● tea on skin as insect repellent-to bathe feet ● 3-4 small leaf can be eaten daily ● ointment for acne-bruise ● drink tea after eating to aid digestive upset add to salad-sandwiches
