Have you ever wondered what could be of help for arthritis? There are many choices of plants, minerals and vitamins which can be added to the diet though keep in mind that not all are suitable for every metabolism…

Agrimony, alehoof, alfalfa, allspice, aloe juice, amaranth, andrographis, angelica, anise oil, apple green-ripe, arginine, arracacha, asafetida, asparagus water, avocado, balloon vine, balm of gilead, bamboo tabashir, banana, barberry, barley, basil, bay, bayberry, betel leaf, betel pepper, betony, bishop’s flower, bitter melon, black cohosh, black haw, blackcurrant, blue cohosh, blueberry, bogbean, boldo, boneset, borage, boron, bracken, brahmi, broccoli, bromelain, brooklime, broomweed, bruisewort, bryony, buchu, burdock, butea, butter, butterbur, cabbages, cajeput, Cape gooseberry, caper, carrot, castor oil, cat’s claw, cat’s whiskers, catmint, catnip, cauliflower, cedar, celeriac, cha de bugre, chamomile, chaparral, chaste berry, cherry, chia, chicory, chilli, Chinese angelica, Chinese lantern, chlorella, chlorophyll, cinnamon, cleavers, clove, club moss, comfrey, copper, coriander, cowslip, cramp bark, cranberry, cucumber, custard apple, cypress, dandelion, devil’s claw, devil’s club, drumstick tree, elderberry, ephedra, Epsom salts, eucalyptus, eucommia, evening primrose, fennel, fenugreek, feverfew, fig, fumitory, galangal, garlic, gentian, geranium, germanium, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, glacial milk, glucosamine, goji berry, golden rod, gotu kola, gravel root, green couch grass, guava, gumbi gumbi, Hawaiian baby woodrose, hawthorn, heartsease, hematite, herb Robert, honey, hops, horse chestnut, horseradish, horsetail, hyssop, icecream bean, Indian fig, Indian gooseberry, Jerusalem artichoke, job’s tears, juniper, kava, kelp-other seaweed, kenkur, knotgrass, kutaj, lapacho, lavender, lecithin, lemon, lemon balm, lemon grass, long pepper, maca, madhuca, manjistha, manuka honey, marjoram, meadowsweet, melilot, mescal buttons, mint, mistletoe, molasses, mugwort, mullein, mundi, mushroom reishi-shiitake, mustard plaster, myrrh, nettles, noni, nutmeg, oats, okra, olive leaf, omega-3-6 fatty acids, orange, pandan, parsley, pawpaw, pellitory of the wall, pepper, peppermint, pineapple, pines, plantain, pleurisy root, pokeroot, pomegranate, potassium, prickly ash, primrose, punarnava, purslane, red clover, rehmannia, rose, rosemary, royal jelly, saariva, sacred basil, safed musli, sage, St Benedict’s thistle, St John’s wort, salsify, sarsaparilla, sassafras, sea cucumber, selenium, sesame, shea butter, sida-retusa, silver birch, skunk cabbage, slippery elm, soapwort, Solomon’s seal, soursop, spirulina, strawberry, sugar, suma, sunflower, sweet cicely, sweet flag, sweet potato, tarragon, tea tree oil, thyme, tribulus, turmeric, valerian, vanilla grass, vetiver, vinegar, violet, vitamins B3, B6, water, watercress, watermelon, wheatgrass, white cedar, wild yam, willow, witch hazel, Wu Jai Pi, yarrow, yellow dock, yerba mate & yoghurt

