

Filamentosa Mexican native-many varieties of medicinal value

abdominal cramp; adrenal support; allergy; alterative; anti-arthritic; antibacterial; antibiotic; anti-fungal; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-protozoan; anti-rheumatic; anti-stress; appetite stimulant; arthritis pain; astringent; back pain; bleeding; blood cholesterol-pressure lower/circulation-cleanse-tone; bone repair; bowel action; bunion-bursitis; calcium; cancer skin; carpal tunnel; cataract; childbirth ease; chromium; cobalt; colitis; colon cleanse; constipation; copper; cortisone comparable to; dandruff; deodorant; detergent; diabetes; diarrhea intermittent; digestive detoxify-disorder-function; disease degenerative inflamed; diuretic; diverticulitis; energiser; flatulence; gall disorder; genitourinary disorder; gout; hair growth; headache chronic; heart disease inhibit-health; hip dysplasia; indigestion; intestine cleanse-disorder-flora-mucus membrane cleanse; iron; joint inflamed-pain-stiff; kidney detoxify; liver detoxify-function-strength-tonic; magnesium; manganese; menstruation pre; migraine; muscle pain-sprain; nerve inflammation; neuralgia; nicotine withdrawal; nutritive; osteoarthritis; pain; phosphorus; piles; potassium; prostate disorder-inflamed; rash; rheumatoid arthritis; scabs; selenium; shampoo; silicon; skin cleanse-disease; soap alternative; sodium; sores; steroidal hormone manufacture-saponins; stimulant; stomach disease; stools smelly; swellings; system cleanse; thrush inhibit; tonic; tumor; ulcer; urethritis; vermifuge; vitamins A; B complex; B1; B2; B3; C; wounds; zinc

Cautions of Use

excess can cause bleeding-diarrhea-indigestion-loose stools ● prolonged uninterrupted use of more than 3 months not recommended ● avoid when pregnant-lactating ● no recognized interactions ● no known side effects/detoxifying can cause withdrawal symptoms ● if taking for a period of time use only 5 days a week ● 30gm can be taken safely in 1 day

Applied Use

● root-young shoot is used tea steep 1 tsp. dried herb in 3 cups boiled water-drink through the day saponin action cleans internally reducing excrement odour-as bowel cleanser-is vermifuge eat root raw-cooked as potato/flower raw-boiled-batter fried soak root in water-agitate till soapy-strain as biodegradable soap-shampoo ● 4 capsules daily for arthritis-osteoarthritis ● poultice for sprain ● use 5 days in 7 if using over period of time ● decoction by boiling root-young shoot in water ● take yucca Schidigera for nicotine withdrawal ● add powder to smoothies-shampoo ● boil 10gm root in 500ml water 15 minutes-take in 3-4 doses through day-relieves pain for several days
