Avena sativa-Avena futua

Oats as we know them are a dehusked cereal grain. Oats have been used as food since antiquity through much of Europe and Russia. Once considered as fodder for animals it is now accepted as an exceptionally nutritious food, certainly a great energy food to start the day – a true super food.


adaptogen; addiction recovery; aged-infirmed; alkalising; allergy; anemia; anorexia; anti-aging; anti-depressant; anti-inflammatory; antispasmodic; anxiety children; arginine; arteriosclerosis; arthritis; ADD; attention span; bed wetting; Bell’s palsy; blood cholesterol balance-lower/circulation-sugar balance/vessel cleanse; body strength; bone build-density-develop-repair/strength-children-elderly; bowel inflamed; brain tonic; burns; calcium; cancer bone; carbohydrates; chilblains; childbirth recovery; children weak; chromium; cobalt; colic; colitis; colon cleanse; concentration; constipation; convalescence tonic-elderly; cough; Crohn’s disease; cystitis; debility; demulcent; depression elderly-post natal; depurative; dermatitis; diabetes; diaphoretic; diarrhea; diuretic; eczema; edema; endocrine system restorant; energiser; epilepsy; erectile dysfunction; exhaustion; eye irritation; facial exfoliant-scrub; fatigue; feet bathe-circulation-tired; fever; fibre soluble; flatulence; freckles; frostbite; gall disorder; glandular disorder-fever; goitre; gout; grief; hangnail; headache tension; heart disease inhibit-disorder-muscles-rate regulate-strength-tonic; hives; hormone balance; hyperactivity children; hysteria; imbalance co-ordination; infertility; influenza; insomnia due to over excitement; iron; kidney inflamed; lactation; laxative; libido; lignans; liver disease; love potion; lumbago; lung disorder-strength; lupus; magnesium; manganese; melatonin; memory strength; menopause; menstrual cramp-pain-pre; mental torture; multiple sclerosis; muscle mass; nail strength; nausea; nerve disorder-exhaustion-rejuvenation-strength; nervine; neuralgia; nicotine detoxify; night sweats; nutritive metabolism; osteoporosis; phosphorus; piles; potassium; pregnancy tonic; prostate disorder; protein; reproductive stimulant-tonic; restorative esp. elderly; schizophrenic episodes; sensitivity to pleasant smell; serotonin; sexual enhancer male; shingles; silica; silicon; skin cleanse-complexion-disorder-inflamed-itch-sensitive-soothe; sodium; sores; spurs; stimulant; stomach nervous/upset-caused by antibiotics; stress; teeth strength; thrush; tonic; tranquilizer withdrawal; trauma; ulcer stomach; uterine disorder; vascular elasticity; venereal disease; vitamins A; B1; B2; B3; B5; B6; B7; B9; C; D; E; K; weakness; wounds; zinc

Applied Use

tea steep-drink regularly for good health sprout seed wrap rolled oats into cheesecloth bag for stimulating tub scrub fresh green tips are rich in silica beneficial cooked celiac disease sufferers can usually eat oats cooked for fatigue raw for constipation with valerian to detoxify from prescription tranquilisers/with vervain for convalescence/with horsetail as bone strengthener in children-elderly oat water crumble porridge oats before soaking in 1 cup cold water 20 minutes-strain oatmeal tub for eczema-hives ● simmer ½ hour as thin gruel-sweeten with honey-cinnamon-take spoonful’s for diarrhea ● wash for sensitive skin ● tea for nicotine withdrawal-craving ● boil 1 tbsp. in ½ cup vinegar 10 minutes-cool-apply with care to fade freckles ● ½ cup in bucket hot water for tired-chronically cold feet-soak 10-15 minutes ● refillable oat muslin bag for use on skin ● contains more soluble fibre than all other grains which slows digestion ● there are no known adverse reactions
