herb Robert



Geranium Robertanium was originally native to France with a variety of names including Alum root, American Sanicle and Cranesbill. I find the plant aroma rather pleasant though some don’t having dubbed it Stinky Bob, most unfair.


acne; adaptogen; adrenal disease-stimulant; alkalising; allergy food; anemia aplastic; anti-aging; antibiotic; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-tumor; antiviral; anxiety; appetite stimulant; arthritis; asthma chronic; astringent; AIDS; bed wetting; Behcet’s syndrome; bladder inflammation-pain-stones inhibit; bleeding; blood cell stimulant white-circulation-cleanse/cholesterol-pressure lower/sugar balance; body system defence; brain softening; breast fibrocystic; bronchitis; bruise; burns pain; calcium; cancer inhibit/bladder-breast-larynx-lung; carbon monoxide poisoning; cataract white; cells detoxify-oxygenate; chemotherapy adjuvant-recuperation-side effects; chlamydia inhibit; chronic fatigue; cirrhosis; colds; colitis; corns; cough; decongestant; depression; detoxify heavy metals-radiation; diabetes; diarrhea; digestive disorder-tone; disease inhibit; diuretic; eczema; emphysema; energiser; enteritis; erysipelas; expectorant; eye irritation-sight-sore-wash; feet bathe; fistulas; free radicals inhibit; gall function-inflammation-stones inhibit; gargle; gastritis; germanium; gingivitis; gout; gum infection; healing promote; health maintenance; hearing failing; heart insufficiency; hepatitis; herpes simplex; homeostatic stabiliser; illness chronic; immune function-stimulant-strength; impotence; incontinence; infection; infertility; iron; kidney disease-inflammation-stimulant-stones-strength-swelling; lethargy; leucorrhea; leukemia; liver function-strength-tonic; lung disorder; Lyme disease; magnesium; menstrual excess; mental clarity; mood enhance; morbid tissue; mouth antiseptic-inflamed-wash; nail infection-inflamed; nerve strength; neuralgia trigeminal; neurosis; nosebleed; nutritional supplement; osteoarthritis; oxygenate catalyst; pain; phosphorus; piles pain; pneumonia; potassium; radiation tonic-treatment; rash; relaxant; repel insects; rheumatism; rheumatoid arthritis; sarcoidosis; sedative; shingles; sinus maxillary; skin disorder chronic; sleep regulate; sores infectious; splinters; stomach disorder; stomachic; sunspots; throat inflamed-sore; thrush; tissue oxygenate; tonic; toothache; ulcer mouth-peptic; urinary bloody-tone; uterus fibroid-inflamed; vitamins A; B; C; warts; wellbeing-feeling of; wounds

Applied Use

3 tsp. powdered leaf mixed with fresh egg yolk taken mornings is said to repair damage of cancer anywhere on-in body tea steep 1 tsp. leaf to 1 cup boiled water few minutes-take daily as gargle-foot soak to detoxify-dregs as poultice rub leaf on skin to deter bugs ● drink tea daily for infertility ● rub leaf on rash-sores-sunspots ● douche for leucorrhea-menstrual excess ● chew fresh leaf for mouth-throat ● used as an edging plant in the Middle Ages-as insect deterrent in garden ● no known cautions or interactions

